When 1+1 is more than 2: interactions causing the PRDC
Catch the full recording now and stay up-to-date with the latest insights on Porcine Respiratory Disease Complex with Joaquim Segales and Jean Paul Cano! Sponsored by Ceva Santé Animale
High Quality Piglets (2/3)
High Quality Piglets (1/3)
M.hyo, clinical signs and diagnosis
Coinfections and impact on performances
Control and vaccination
Find the first one here:
Enzootic Pneumonia (3/3): control and vaccination
Enzootic Pneumonia (2/3): coinfections and impact on performances
Enzootic Pneumonia (1/3): M.hyo, clinical signs and diagnosis
How to select the newborn in the farrowing plan? (part 2)
Listen to our podcast on the selection of the newborn in a farrowing plan with our special guest, Karina Mikkelsen.
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