Danish Farm Design A/S


Building the future - for top performance

Danish Farm Design A/S is an independent consulting company specializing in dairy, beef cattle and pig production. DFD covers the whole process from project idea to operation.

Main services:

    Planning, design, development and construction of pig and dairy farm complexes,
    feed mills and slaughterhouses
    Management support and training programs for staff and managers
    Technical due diligence

Danish Farm Design A/S employs highly experienced staff with a unique technical-biological knowledge about pig and dairy production.

Via our network we collaborate with the best experts in the field such as veterinarians and feed specialists.

64 Nutzer folgen Danish Farm Design A/S.
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Claudiu Gabriel Teodorescu Praktischer Tierarzt Claudiu Gabriel Teodorescu Vereinigtes Königreich 3 Followers
Robert Semaganga Praktischer Tierarzt Robert Semaganga Tansania 1 Veröffentlichungen 11 Followers
juan manuel santoyo aguilar Schweineproduzent juan manuel santoyo aguilar Mexiko 1 Followers
Bintang Kamdoro Praktischer Tierarzt Bintang Kamdoro Indonesien 10 Followers
Steffen Martens Fleischindustrie Steffen Martens Südafrika 1 Followers
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Emme Wang Benutzer Emme Wang China 4 Veröffentlichungen 22 Followers
daniel mazare Agrarwissenschaftler daniel mazare Rumänien 1 Followers
Phuong nguyen Schweineproduzent Phuong nguyen Vietnam 16 Followers
John Anastasiou Benutzer John Anastasiou Irland 1 Followers
Kenneth  Isichei Schweineproduzent Kenneth Isichei Nigeria 15 Followers
jurgita simulynaite Praktischer Tierarzt jurgita simulynaite Litauen 2 Followers
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tín đặng Wissenschaft/Forschung tín đặng Vietnam 1 Followers
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Marcio Schmidt Benutzer Marcio Schmidt Deutschland 2 Veröffentlichungen 8 Followers
Ryan  Noble Schweineproduzent Ryan Noble Vereinigtes Königreich 1 Followers
angla thing Student angla thing USA 1 Followers
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Tùng Vũ Praktischer Tierarzt Tùng Vũ Vietnam 1 Veröffentlichungen 12 Followers

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