ECO Animal Health

Firma Premium

ECO Animal Health is a British company with a global presence, focused on providing solutions to economically important respiratory and enteric diseases in pigs and poultry. Our products and knowledge improve the health and welfare of pigs and poultry while our commitment to our customers is to provide them with products of a consistently high quality supported by customer-focused teams.

ECO strives to provide best in class, scientifically proven, ethical solutions to optimise the health, productivity and wellbeing of pigs and poultry. We aim to do this sustainably, working in partnership with animal health professionals and livestock producers bringing value to all by improving animal husbandry around the world.

Nekropsie-Handbuch: Nekropsie eines Ferkels in seitlicher Dekubitus-Lage (II)

In diesem zweiten Teil behandeln wir das Herauslösen von Zunge, Luftröhre, Lunge und Herz in einem Stück. Wir entnehmen die Organe der Bauchhöhle, sowohl den Verdauungs- als auch den Harn- und Genitaltrakt. Im Kopf legen wir die Nasenmuscheln, das Großhirn und das Kleinhirn frei.


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